Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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Monday 23rd March 2020

MONDAY 23.03.2020

Year 6 know which pages are to be completed in their CGP books (already circled in the index/contents page) and have a selection of work in their Educational Home Learning Folder, but I have attached the timetable if greater structure to the day is required. Complete as much as you can in the time given on the timetable.


For assembly: a story with a moral - 'Health is Wealth' - in your exercise book, included in your home learning folder, write what you think the moral of this story is; what should we learn from this tale? What is the message it is trying to tell us?


SPELLING - complete your weekly spelling sheet and any words from the Year 5-6 word lists.






BASIC MATHS SKILLS: this week will be 30 minutes of work to re-visit column multiplication; multiplying 3 and 4-digits numbers by 2-digit numbers: 2,364 x 78 =      

Create your own, include decimal numbers as well, roll a dice 3 or 4 times to create your numbers - if dice are not available:


Monday afternoon is PE, and to continue our cardio-vascular work this term, Joe Wicks has agreed to do daily workouts for children's PE sessions during school closures - have a look on YouTube: Joe Wicks PE for children - although I will post the link here on Monday. Here it is:


Also on Monday p.m. we have ICT - all pupils have access to Purple Mash search for Thythorn School: Login: Children6  No password. Or you can login to TTRockstars (you have your own login/password), Prodigy Maths (login and password in your Home Learning Folder) or LoveReading4Kids and Oxford Owl free e-books for 11 years olds.


At the end of each day: practise positive mental well-being; 30mins of mindfulness and relaxation as practised in class - why not get everyone at home to join in, switch off and show them how to practise breathing techniques, switching off each part of the body and then relax your body, clear your thoughts and unwind - no snoring allowed! : 

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