Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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Block 11 - Well-being and Resilience at Work


This block will take up to 4 hours to complete. 

Today’s world of work is often demanding and rapidly changing.

Professionals need to develop new skills to do their job more effectively or to change the way they work in order to adapt to new roles. On this course, you’ll learn the importance of resilience and adaptability to navigate these changes, and explore why employers are looking for these skills.

You’ll learn how to evaluate your current strengths at work and identify the true value of workplace wellbeing for yourself.


By the end of the course, you'll be able to...

  • Identify the key features of resilience

  • Assess the techniques for growing your resilience

  • Develop a plan to improve your resilience

  • Identify the key features of personal adaptability

  • Assess your adaptability and develop a plan to improve it

  • Demonstrate your ability to adapt


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