Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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TUES 24/3

TUESDAY 24/3/20

Super work yesterday everyone and thank you for the many emails and photos! See some examples below:

Today's lessons are set out below. There are sound clips to click on and videos to help you. You will also need the things in your folder and pens, pencils and rulers. Do your best work and email me if you need help or want to share anything. 

Welcome to Tuesday

> Wake Me Up Workout
> Maths
> Computing
> Science/Geography/Drama
> History
> Story
> WAKE ME UP WORKOUT - live at 9am

Warm -Up

In your folder please find your Home Learning Pack Year 5
Please do Column 2 Roman Numerals


Ask a grown-up to check or you mark your work using the answers below.

Main Maths Lesson

Today's focus is on mental addition and subtraction. Find the worksheets called Mental addition and subtraction Sheet 1 and Sheet 2 in your folder that look like these:

You can do:

  • Just Sheet 1
  • Just Sheet 2
  • Sheet 1 and Sheet 2

Write your answers in your exercise book at the Maths end.

How many can you do mentally? Write them as number sentences.

Any tricky ones? Do them using a column method.

Have a go at the challenges at the bottom.


Get a grown-up to check or you can mark your work using the answers below.


In Computing we are going to carry on with our coding work.

Log into Purple Mash using the Year5 Year5 log in details.

Go to Tools

Then to 2Code

In the Chimp Section I would like you to do the ROCKETS exercise: There are 4 parts:

1 Launch the Rocket

2. Oooh! Aaah!

3. And the Firework Goes Out

4. Make Your Own Fireworks Display

Use the video tutorials to help you. Complete all 4 parts.

Save your final Fireworks Display under your name so that I can see me!!!!


To do this activity you will need a little space. You will want to be able to hear the sound clip on a phone, tablet or laptop. You may even want to wear headphones or earphones. This is a NOW PRESS PLAY activity. It is about the Water Cycle. See how it links with your learning.

Click below to start the activity and act out the story.

The Water Cycle - a drama


Life for children in Victorian times was very different to yours in 2020. What was life like for Victorian children?
Read the document below that tells you all about it. You can also click to hear me read it to you.

Watch the videos. You could also do your own research online.

Listen to extracts from the above text

Day In The Life: Victorians

Pictures of Poor Victorian Children.

Now open your exercise book at the English end.
Make sure you have a double page.
Using a ruler and something to draw around, draw a Double Bubble Map.

Label it like this:

Children in 2020 and Victorian Children

Now complete the Double Bubble Map with things that only Children in 2020 have or experience on the left; things that only Victorian Children had or experienced on the right and things that children then and now have in common in their lives in the centre 3 bubbles.

You could add illustrations too.

I would love to see a photograph of your finished work smiley

Sometime before you go to bed find 10-15 minutes to read a book...somewhere quiet. Record it in your orange Reading Diary.

School Updates

